MDCVS | Business Consultants, Inc., BCon


BCon as an “Innovation Producer”

In order for our clients to achieve their ideal future states in faster and more reliable ways, we continually produce innovative solutions for our clients in the fields of organization and talent development. These innovations include, but are not limited to, value creation, organizational change, and employee behavioral change.

We do not offer temporary or quick fix solutions. We identify crucial issues for our clients’ missions and strategies, create a road map to close the gap and do what is necessary to support the changes.

In order to promote organization growth and innovation, we utilize the latest technology as well as 50+ years of experience in consulting and training to offer the best customized solutions to fit each particular organization.


Designing the best solutions for creating highly competitive and resilient organizations with exceptional talent, where people truly feel “the joy of purposefulness at work” and "the happiness of fulfilled living".



We act as innovation producers for people in search of excellent solutions for their organizations and talent. We utilize our knowledge and experience from the fields of OD and behavioral science to solve your problems with commitment and engagement.


Core Values

5PROs, BCon Group Philosophy, and the values embodied by “The Spirit of Turtle”.



Become the World's "No. 1" Organization that everyone wants to become, where people feel the joy of having meaningful work, and the bliss of living.



Pursuit of organizational sustainability by offering the highest value-added services to our clients