Corporate Profile | Business Consultants, Inc., BCon

Corporate Profile

Corporate Profile

Business Consultants, Inc. (BCon) was established in 1964, the year the Tokyo Olympics was held. Our company wanted to capture the freedom and feeling of the games, while imbuing the spirit of our founders and using their concept, "Make change in management training in Japan", as a guide.

Because our name is long, we shortened it to "BCon" to make it easier and more memorable for our clients. Also, when written like this, our name would end up sounding like the English word “Beacon”, which aligned well with our key concept. Since we adapted leading-edge of behavioral science technologies and organization development theories to serve our clients, we saw ourselves as guides, like a lighthouse, a beacon to help clients navigate hard times. Therefore that word fit us very well then and we have been continuously refining our solution in line with this till now.

One final key about our company is that we customize our solutions. If there are one hundred client companies, there will be at least one hundred challenges that each of them will face in our time together. So, our value is to identify crucial company issues (missions, strategies, tactics, etc.). We do this by first understanding the true causes of problems, looking at their specific contexts. Then, we offer robust solutions to help our clients achieve their ideal future state.



Business Consultants, Inc.

Date of Establishment

February 24, 1964

Main Business Areas

Training, consulting, survey & diagnosis, licensing.

Head Office

Akihabara Center Place Building 8F,
1 Kanda Aioicho, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, Japan 101-0029
Tel: +81 3-6260-7571

Branch Offices

23 Nationwide
5 Overseas (China, Vietnam, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia)

President & CEO

Tetsuji Yokozeki


410 million yen


420 (as of April 1, 2019)

Websites (Japanese) (English)