BCon | Basis for Sustainable Growth

Our Approach

Designing the best solutions for organizations, where people truly feel
“the joy of purposefulness at work” and "the happiness of fulfilled living"


Challenges Every Business Face Today

In order for an organization to survive, they must face many challenges today from the growing pressures of economy, society and environment. It is no longer possible to manage organizations without considering global, environmental and social sustainability impacts. In order to balance business growth, a number of things are needed: a sustainable environment; adaptable people (individuals, organizations and society).

For example sustainability is one of the key challenges. How can we create growth and increase shareholder value while still contributing to a future that is good for both the planet and its inhabitants?

Another example is workplace satisfaction, which has become a significant issue recently due to the intense pressures caused by increased competition. How can we maintain a positive approach with so many changes in the workplace?

Innovation is also a key survival skill for any organization in a time of economic uncertainty. How can we continuously create new value for customers?

BCon have been offering solutions for each of these specific organizational challenges, helping our clients meet their ever changing needs. Because of this, we believe that by enhancing the 5 capitals, our core solutions, we help our clients achieve continuous growth, improve productivity, develop talent, and create workplaces where employees truly feel “the joy of purposefulness at work” and “the happiness of fulfilled living”.


5 Capitals (Tangible & Intangible)

5 Capitals Iceberg

Financial Capital

Financial Capital is about balanced fiscal statements, maximized profits and cash, as well as sound economic rationality. Although, financial capital is very important, entities that pursue it exclusively and/or have a short-term view will not last long. Enhancing the other forms of capitals in a well-balanced manner is very important in order to achieve sustainable growth.

Technological Capital

Technological Capital is a major source of organization growth. These include the organization’s core competences, such as intellectual property (including patents), technological capabilities and accumulation of its know-how.

Intellectual Capital

Intellectual Capital is the wisdom and the knowledge of key leaders in the organization. These individuals often are the creators of intellectual properties as well as the systems that run the organization.

Social Capital

Social Capital starts with and is developed from relationships of mutual trust between people. It is characterized by strong bonds and high-quality connections.

Ideological Capital

Ideological Capital starts with the aspirations, beliefs, organizing principles and philosophy of the organization. It is built by the leaders who passionately and logically share their thoughts and the employees who take these ideals into their heart. It is a company’s the most important capital, one built on years of history that cannot be easily imitated or replaced by other organizations.


Our goal is to support our clients as they use the 5 capitals, proficiently and in a well-balanced manner, to become “self-organizing organizations”. A “self-organized organization” is often illustrated by a flock of birds. These birds intuitively form large irregularly shaped masses while in flight to streamline their flying and avoid colliding with each other. It is an organization composed by independent individuals that quickly adapt and respond to the complex environmental changes.

BCon have been providing talent and organizational development solutions to enhance all 5 capitals. And, with more than 50 years of experience, we learned that social capital, which “brings employees together”, and ideological capital, which “shapes corporate culture”, are the capitals most important for long lasting “self-organized organizations”.


3 Foundation Principles

The 5 capitals are sourced from three foundation principles:


Accountable, self-directed employees that can responsibly think, act and solve problems based on corporate philosophy



A culture of innovation that enables the organization to respond rapidly and appropriately to change



Effective and seamless cooperation that generate positive and synergistic results.