Our History | Business Consultants, Inc., BCon

Our History

How it Began

Before World War II, there was no such occupation as “business consulting” in Japan.

During the restoration of the post war period, a program called “MTP (Management Training Program)” was introduced to Japanese workers working for the US military.

This was the beginning of management training in Japan. And this planted the seeds for what would grow to become Business Consultants, Inc.


Growth: When Talent and Organization Come Together

1964-1990 Japan’s economic growth and BCon.

Business Consultants, Inc. was founded in 1964, the same year as the Tokyo Olympics. During the 60’s and 70’s along with rapid economic growth, Japanese companies began expanding in size and scope. Then in the 80’s, Japanese companies began expanding abroad.



To cope with rapid expansion Japanese companies began creating HR systems and employee training programs.

  • Construction of training systems (sales, management, corporate strategy, etc.)
  • Introduction of discussion centered training
  • Sensitivity training
  • Introduction of the LIFO® Method and The Human Element® (Japanese exclusive distributor)


BCon introduced itself as “the total solution general hospital to companies” and started to offer multiple approaches to manage the health of client organizations.  This was based on the Process Consultation competencies learned from the background of OD technology and experiential learning (laboratory training).

  • Team building
  • Introduction of workplace diagnostics
  • Lean management
  • Efficiency management

People as Capital, Not Costs

1991-2010 Japan’s lost 20 years and BCon

After the economic bubble burst, a storm of restructuring raged as Japanese companies began dismissing employees and shrinking hiring. However, BCon’s policy was not to support such practices.



BCon designed and supported the successful introduction of performance based systems into Japanese company cultures.

  • Successfully introduced performance management including Management By Objectives (MBO)
  • Corporate succession planning
  • Project management training
  • Self-esteem development / Increasing emotional intelligence


Despite the tough economic conditions, BCon supported clients in creating new businesses and innovating strategies, operations, and structures.

  • Helped clients streamline and restructure company tasks
  • Business model innovation
  • Change management
  • Successful support of CSR management implementation


Potential for Innovation Lies Hidden in Stagnation

2011- Moving forward- Japan’s economy and BCon.

Currently Japan’s population is declining due to an aging population and declining birthrate. Japan has many challenges moving forward and must adapt to a globalized world to succeed. BCon is ready to help companies meet those challenges.



BCon continues to develop new programs based on neuroscience, positive psychology, and other new advancements

  • Increasing employee engagement
  • Global HR management
  • Increasing social intelligence
  • Resilience programs based on Positive Psychology


BCon offers new Dialogic OD and Positive OD based consulting to clients.

  • Agility survey for implementing emergent strategies
  • Successful support of sustainable management
  • Innovation programs
  • Cascading and sharing of corporate high concepts (mission, vision, values)