
How FISH! Enhances Corporate Culture and Makes People Feel Valued

Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

How FISH! Enhances Corporate Culture and Makes People Feel Valued

We have two big categories when it comes to approaching innovation. First, there is business process innovation (work flow review, information systems innovation, personnel system innovation, and innovation in new products and services).

The second is human process innovation (organizational culture reform, personal capacity building and motivation, team productivity improvement). This simple way of dividing innovation is essential in making change happen.

Business process innovation is carried out in advance. This presents some challenges:

  • The organizational framework is established, but activity is slow. Motivation seems to be the problem and there is room for improvement.
  • The speed of the reform is too fast for the team. They can't keep up the pace, so everyone gets discouraged, tired, and wants to give up.
  • Personnel are reduced to minimize cost. With fewer people carrying the load, those who remain are left feeling physically and emotionally exhausted.

To avoid these situations, it is important to address human process innovation and along with that business process innovation.

This is where the concept of FISH! comes into play. FISH! is a team building and workplace stimulation program created by ChartHouse, a film production company. The FISH! Philosophy was inspired by a business that is world famous for its incredible energy and commitment to service-the Pike Place Fish Market. ChartHouse studied the fishmongers and identified four simple practices below that help anyone bring new energy and commitment to their work.

  • Communicate more effectively with your colleagues
  • Derive more pleasure from work
  • Entertain your colleagues while you work together
  • Take control and determine your attitude.

(Reference: ChartHouse Learning website)

This philosophy is introduced to organizations by learning and holding more workplace meetings at fixed intervals throughout the year. More meetings translate into more communication and help to bring about changes in the mutual relations between team members. Early in the process, a strong sense of stagnation and mutual distrust is likely to be present. After about two months, changes in attitude among individuals appear and the workplace culture transforms into an atmosphere of cooperation and "doing your best". What seemed absolutely impossible or no more than a facade of change now has good prospects. Everyone feels like change is truly possible and it is in fact being done.

People who have taken the program have this to say:

"Even if this is a different approach to work, everybody is doing their best to do a good job"

"When you understand what people are thinking, the work becomes easier"

"I realized that there is more cooperation among people"

"Until now, I took on tasks by myself, but now it is easier for me to ask others questions. My sense of isolation is gone because of these friends."

"There are more conversations now and the communication inside our company is better"

"The speed of innovation has increased"

"We began to think together about new ideas for improving our work".

Human process innovation is very important in creating business process innovation. Improving mutual understanding and relationships leads to workplace climate improvement and this is the foundation for carrying out change. That reform ultimately leads to a stronger company and a higher level of customer satisfaction.


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