
The Multi-Facets of Well-Being

Friday, January 14, 2022
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

The Multi-Facets of Well-Being

“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”
- Richard Branson

The are tons of articles and scientific study about the importance of taking care of employees’ well-being. Stress and anxiety are pressing over worldwide, and workplace pressure is taking an increase in physical and mental toll, especially with the pandemic happening. It harms productivity, increases voluntary turnover, and costs companies billion of dollars in healthcare costs each year.

According to a study, managers with low happiness levels were more likely to leave their employment due to discontent. This shows that expenditures in employee well-being that reduce job discontent may reduce turnover. Employees need to feel they are working towards a purpose or goal. They need to feel that their jobs where they spend almost a third of their days are worthwhile.

Find out more in this e-book:

  • Why it is extremely important to keep the employees' well-being
  • Why wellness program is no longer a luxury, but a necessity
  • How employers can help people stay healthy while also lowering their expenditures
  • How to catch the early sign of employees' dissatisfaction
  • ...and more!