
Flexing the Organization: From Stiffness to Agility

Friday, July 22, 2022
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

Flexing the Organization: From Stiffness to Agility

With more turbulence companies experiencing, necessitating new and urgent adjustments. Change isn't about fine-tuning especially in the midst of a Covid-induced recession, and with some industries on the verge of extinction, it's about survival. On the other hand, traditional change management isn't going to cut it right now. Organizations are fundamentally rethink their whole structure and operation. Hence, the type of change management required at this time is quick, agile, and (in many cases) virtual.

The changes that are happened, is happening, and will be happen are drastically altering how businesses and employees operate. So for the next 100 years, what will be the dominating organizational paradigm? How will businesses strike a balance between stability and dynamism? Furthermore, which companies will be market leaders and attract the most remarkable talent?

Find out in this e-book:

  • What is organization agility, and why it is important for today's organization?
  • The cornerstones and benefits of Business Agility
  • Adaptive work system: From concept to action
  • Creating an agile prepared culture
  • ...and more!