
Igniting the Flame of "Change"

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

Igniting the Flame of "Change"

For "change" to become contagious and spread across the company, leaders need to adopt a set of actions:

Show a Compelling Vision: Great leaders take their people to places they have never been before. It means achieving something unknown to others. Hence, it needs to be a colored picture of the future

Spark the Energy: Leaders who want others to adopt the Change and show excitement towards the Change. They share success stories and involve everyone in discussions about how to keep adapting and changing the company to meet the requirements of its clients. 

Build Trust: Trust building is crucial. One of the largest surveys of its kind, Edelman's Trust Barometer for 2013, found that only 18% of consumers believe their corporate leaders to be honest. Asking people to follow you into the Unknown is what Change is all about. Everyone will not accompany you if there is no trust.

Understand Emotions: Change doesn't always bring about positive emotions. In fact, it's usually accompanied by negative ones. It's essential for leaders to allow the expression of such emotions and to foster openness for people to express their frustrations and worries. 

Communicate, Communicate, Communicate: Extensive communication with managers and different staff levels is crucial for Change to be successful. Be honest with them about what Change means and how it occurs. 

(Download the checklist to help you identify the items needed to spread the "change" HERE)

Soar Like an Eagle!

Change mindset Soar like an Eagle

Want to adopt the characteristics of a change mindset? Soar like an eagle!

Eagles are frequently used to symbolize change because of their propensity for adapting to shifting conditions. Eagles can serve as a symbol of transformation in a number of ways, including:

Adaptability: Eagles are adaptive animals that can survive in various settings and weather conditions. They can make the most of their surroundings and respond to changing conditions because of their versatility.

Vision: Eagles can see objects in the distance and identify potential opportunities or hazards thanks to their excellent vision. When navigating change and making future plans, having the ability to perceive the large picture can be helpful.

Courage and Bravery: Eagles are courageous creatures who aren't afraid to take chances or tackle difficult situations head-on.

Strength: Eagles are strong birds with mighty wings and cutting nails. Its power may serve as a metaphor for the grit and resiliency required to face change's challenges.

Resilience and Renewal: Eagles are also connected to rebirth and renewal since they molt and grow new feathers every year. This serves as a reminder that change doesn't have to be feared or avoided; rather, it may be a chance for growth and rejuvenation.

Fly, and the eagle soars on wings of gold
A symbol of strength and grace untold
With eyes that pierce through stormy skies
And wings that lift it up to fly

The eagle knows the winds of change
And welcomes them without restraint
For change is but a chance to grow
And spread your wings and let them flow

Embrace the change like an eagle's flight
With a fearless heart and open sight
For in the storm, there is new life
And strength to face the coming strife

So let the winds of change propel
You to new heights, and help you excel
And like the eagle, let your soul
Take flight and rise up to the goal.


For more about this topic, download our latest book "From Mindset to Innovation: Completing the Puzzle!" for FREE:

E-Book:From Mindset to Innovation: Completing the Puzzle!