Self-Motivation & Empathy


Self-Motivation & Empathy

Monday, August 14, 2023
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

Self-Motivation & Empathy

Motivation is the last component of personal abilities that make up emotional intelligence. Self-motivation is our individual will to develop and succeed, our dedication to our objectives, initiative, or preparedness to take advantage of chances, as well as optimism and resilience. The two most important abilities in this are goal setting, and understanding different motivators.

Goal Setting

According to the above definition, it's essential to learn goal setting using "SMART". It will help you clarify your goal and make sure they are reachable:

SMART acronym

Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Motivation1

Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Motivation

Can you think of your own intrinsic and extrinsic motivations? Go through the above and decide!

(Download the " Self-Motivation Application and Downloadable Worksheet"to help you using the form at the bottom of this page)

Empathy: How do Others Feel and Think?2

Understanding other people's emotions, or having empathy, is essential to having emotional intelligence. But it entails more than simply being able to identify other people's emotional states. It also entails how you react to other individuals in light of this knowledge.2

How we feel and behave is usually triggered by how we perceive the world. Therefore, to be able to empathize with others, we need to understand them and realize how they view the world and perceive it in return.

We usually view life through four perspectives or windows:

1. The Supporting-Giving Perspective


"If I prove my worth by working hard and seeking excellence, the good things in life will come to me."


Do What Is Right, Be Helpful

2. The Controlling-Taking Perspective


"If I get results by being competent and seizing opportunities, the good things in life will be there for the taking."


Be in Charge, Get Results

3. The Conserving-Holding Perspective


"If I think before I act and make the most of what I've got, I can build up my supply of the good things in life."


Be Reasonable, Make Sure

4. The Adapting-Dealing Perspective


"If I please other people and fill their needs first, then I can get the good things in life that I've wanted all along."


Know People, Get Along

four strenghts

Can you guess your perspective?

Choose three people within your circle. Guess their perspective. Attempt to listen to them and closely observe them. After two weeks, do you still think their perspective is the same as what you guessed?

This knowledge will help us communicate more effectively with critical people in our lives who may be different. Knowledge of the different perspectives and their strengths will allow us to better understand what motivates each and makes them experience stress, enabling us to capitalize on their strengths.

Find more about personal styles and preferences here.

If you want to know your and other's perspective styles, learn more about the LIFO survey here.


1Very Well Mind, 23 May 2023, Kendra Cherry, Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic Motivation: What's the Difference?, Accessed 23 Jan 2023,
2 LIFO, The Four Orientations to Life, Accessed 23 Jan 2023,
3 Very Well Mind, 26 Jan 2022, Kendra Cherry, 5 Key Emotional Intelligence Skills, Accessed 23 Jan 2023,


For more about this topic, download our latest book " Emotional Intelligence: Your Path to Inner Peace and Self Discovery Part2" for FREE:

E-Book: Emotional Intelligence; Your Path to Inner Peace and Self Discovery Part2