
Sustainability: The Inevitable Future

Tuesday, December 7, 2021
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

Sustainability: The Inevitable Future

Our economy has been developed in a society of mass-production, mass-consumption, and mass-disposal for ages. As a result, the global environment has undergone a drastic change, which has had a major impact on society and economic activities.

We cannot take for granted that businesses can be continued to conduct on healthy earth and society. The resources from the earth are finite, and there is a need to shift from a linear economic model of "take, make and dispose" to a circular economy model of "reduce, reuse, and recycle." Businesses are increasingly understanding the need for sustainability as a result of evolving global attitudes.

Future economic activities are required to embrace sustainable business practices to resolve environmental, economic, and social issues toward the circular economy.

Find out in this E-book:

  • Why is sustainability important?
  • Why should companies implement sustainability strategies?
  • Why aren't businesses more sustainable?
  • How to adopt a sustainable business approach?
  • ...and more!