The Choice in the Middle of Action: How to Better Understand Ourselves


The Choice in the Middle of Action: How to Better Understand Ourselves

Friday, February 17, 2023
Author: Business Consultants, Inc.

The Choice in the Middle of Action: How to Better Understand Ourselves

The paths toward self-development are many. However, let’s take a look at a concept that might help us better understand ourselves, the choices we want, and how to leverage both our awareness, and choices.

1. Monitor Your Self-Talk (Becoming Aware of Self-Talk)

Self-talk reveals your self-concept. Self-concept will determine your self-talk and your feelings (how you feel). Your feelings will determine how you behave.

2. Self-Concept

One more crucial element for deep self-development is Self-concept. Certain feelings towards oneself might lead to actions that are either favorable or not. Ask yourself questions such as: How do I feel towards myself?

3. Feelings
How we feel towards others and how we think others feel towards us plays a significant role in our interactions. You can change how you feel and see others. That requires you to understand how you feel and see yourself and how that affects how you see others.

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

Self-development is a long journey. It takes time to build new habits, which requires patience, time, and awareness.

5. Choice

You always have a choice. You choose everything in your life and can make any changes you wish in yourself, your relationships, and your work situation. You have a choice to behave in one way or another. Keep this in mind so you won't blame others for your actions or reactions.

Let's put this awareness development into practice using a version of the ATC (or ABC) model:
You are in a meeting. You voice an opinion to which no one responds.
Let's see two of a variety of choices we might make in this situation.

Awareness Development Practice Example

As you can see from the table, by deconstructing situations in our lives and our responses to them, we can discover our beliefs about the world, others, and ourselves.

Download the template with the form below and use it over the upcoming month to monitor your self-talk, feelings, and actions as you work to develop better habits and choices.


1THE:The Human Element Workbook


For more about this topic, download our latest book " The Soft Skills Treasure Quest" for FREE:

E-Book: The Soft Skills Treasure Quest