Resources – Blogs, Articles and Videos | BCon


Characteristics of a Resilient Organization

Characteristics of a Resilient Organization

Resource Type: Article

Breaking down the five characteristics of a resilient organization.

Why is Resilience Important for Today's Organizations?

Why is Resilience Important for Today's Organizations?

Resource Type: Article

How the pandemic and other disruptions required organization to be able to survive.

What is a Resilient Organization?

What is a Resilient Organization?

Resource Type: Article

Understanding resilience and why it is important for the organization.

Organizations: The Capacity to Bounce Back and Forth

Organizations: The Capacity to Bounce Back and Forth

Resource Type: E-book

Resilience; one of the keys to a successful and sustainable organization.

Humanizing Virtual Teams

Humanizing Virtual Teams

Resource Type: Article

Keep the human touch in virtual environment by using the 3 fundamental principles.

Virtual Onboarding: A Program Set-Up

Virtual Onboarding: A Program Set-Up

Resource Type:

Ten steps for an effective virtual onboarding program.

Leadership Essentials: Office Vs. Remote

Leadership Essentials: Office Vs. Remote

Resource Type: Article

How leadership style differs in office and remote site.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teams

Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teams

Resource Type: Article

The growing trend of remote work and virtual teams bring both up and down side.

Virtual Teams: What does Science Have to Say?

Virtual Teams: What does Science Have to Say?

Resource Type: Article

Study and research around how to build and keep a healthy virtual teams.

The Different Dimensions of The Virtual Workplace

The Different Dimensions of The Virtual Workplace

Resource Type: E-book

Understanding and building a healthy virtual teams in the increasing trend of hybrid workplace.

Hanging on to Employees During the Great Resignation: How Some...

Hanging on to Employees During the Great Resignation: How Some...

Resource Type:

What is needed to retain employees in the great resignation era.

From Resignation to Attraction: The Great Turnaround

From Resignation to Attraction: The Great Turnaround

Resource Type: Article

How to retain employee in the Great Resignation era.
