How to retain employee in the Great Resignation era.
Resignation is one issue, but there is one more concerning problem: disengagement.
The tendency of employees' work-life style post-pandemic.
The new term coined after the current pandemic happened; what is the "Great Resignation, and why it happened.
What and why of the "Great Resignation", how to better retain employees and build a healthy & happy organization.
Creating an environment where employees can feel rewarded, fulfilled in their work, and contributing to society.
Some signs that your employees are not satisfied with the workplace.
Reasons behind employees’ dissatisfaction.
Why should we support employee's mental health, and how can we do that?
How to invest in employees' well-being.
Well-being of the employee is no longer just an option or a "good deeds" from the company; it is a must.
There are huge costs waiting if we are not pay attention much in the employee's wellbeing.